Animating with the Heart of the Cards

Let's start off with the video

Spent several months making the rigs and modifications to Malcolm for this.  It's finally complete, and I'm happy to finally put it behind me.  There's something super satisfying with getting just the right motion on Yami Yugi's hair.  I hope you liked it too, unfortunately for now I may need to focus on some more serious works so I can advance my skill set and... aww who am I kidding- on to the next gag!

30 Minute Part 20

Yay 100! It's been quite an adventure, can't believe I've done 100 of these. 3000 minutes/50 hours of animation have gone into these bits of cycles and animations. Most or all during lunch break, yet all very satisfying. I hope those of you that still visit enjoy it :) It's certainly been a boon for me in getting more excited to animate things that I want to bring to life. Thanks for joining me!